Advanced model with automatic repelling programs and strobe light flashes repelling!
Bioacoustic bird repeller GRAD A-16 Pro produces maximally realistic wild birds sounds. The device is effective against the majority of pest birds including pigeons, sparrows, crows, rooks, gulls, pheasants, partridges etc. GRAD A-16 Pro operates in 3 modes: day, night, 24 hours. Made of solid steel, the device is weatherproof and can be powered from an external 12V power source.
Effectively repels birds from vast territories The device is capable of protecting areas of up to 7000 m2 (1.72 acres), but the most effective protection area is 2400 m2 (0.60 acre). High power of the device allows using it for protection of various objects: agricultural lands, runways, parking lots, monuments, shopping spaces, squares, rooftops of houses and buildings, hangars, warehouses etc. Loud and anxious sounds produced by the device’s speaker cause panic in pest birds making them leave the inhabited area at the shortest possible time. |
Automatic programs with customizable pauses All tracks (in total 16 unique sounds) are split between the programs aimed at repelling different pest bird species. Users do not need to switch on different sounds manually. They merely have to select one or several programs: 1 – pigeons and sparrows; 2 – crows, rooks, magpies; 3 – gulls; 4 – wild birds. The tracks with bird sounds are designed with automatic mini-pauses between the tracks which can’t be changed. However, users can set duration of pauses between the programs selecting among 4 options: 17 secs, 2, 10 or 30 mins. All these features ensure the best protection of your property from particular bird species completely eliminating habituation effect to the repelling signals. |
Based on a specially designed algorithm strobe light flashes cause visual impact on birds thus enhancing their panic. When birds hear and see a source of danger simultaneously, they react momentarily escaping from the dangerous area. If required, visual repelling can be turned off. |
External speakers serve to amplify the protected area by several times. Each 100 W speaker features maximum protection range of 7000m2 (1.72 acres) and effective protection range of 2400 m2 (0.60 acre). |
You can turn the volume down, if you don’t need maximum power or if there are houses near the operating device. |
Package delivery:
- Bioacoustic bird repeller GRAD A-16 Pro
- Power adapter 220V
- Mounting unit
- English user manual
- 1 year warranty and lifetime support